Creative Graph Paper Designs
Pick up a pad of graph paper and a package of pencil crayons and you'll be on your way to creating beautiful graph paper designs. It's a fun way to explore color combinations, patterns, and textures.
BONUS: Often the masterpieces that arise can be used by cross stitchers as needlework patterns.
~ A Few Ideas to Spark Your Creativity ~
Color squares in solid colors to create mosaic and border designs.

Then, try simple objects like apples, telephones, or flowers. The more squares you use, the more detailed you'll be able to make your design.
Instead of coloring in the boxes solid, try different textures and patterns, like squiggles, dots, and lines. Even drawing the lines in different directions creates a very unique look.

Printable Graph Paper >>> 10 Choices
~ Time to Get Started ~
Create your own graph paper design. If you think it's too good to keep to yourself, send us a copy and if we agree, you just might see it posted here.
Have fun designing and don't forget to sharpen your pencils!
Graph Paper Design >>> Pencil Art
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